Pre and Post Commit Extension Point
Artur Kronenberg
2011-03-25 15:01:07 UTC

I am currently struggling with the problem that I need to do some customized
steps before my commit. I did not find any way to do so (I have to connect
to some web services, validate some data, get some data etc. etc. ..).

I then implemented a Commit-Hook for pre and post commit into the Subversion
ui bundle which leaves the commit functionality untouched but gives the
developer the chance to hook in custom actions that do some stuff.

However I would need to be compatible with later versions of subclipse.

I would like to contribute this extension, if you feel that there is a
general need for it. It appeared to me that some users had similar issues
and were looking for a way to hook into the subclipse commit action without
hacking your code.

Let me know what you think.

Kind regards
-- artur


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